American Hero Series 25 Shots(Police, Firefighters, Army, and Navy)



POLICE: Whistle and twister tail up to brocade crown and green strobe with blue, white strobe, and purple. Whistle tail up to gold chry. with cyan, lemon, purple, and green. Brocade crown tail up to brocade crown with silver chry.

FIREFIGHTERS: Crackle mine up to crackle. Chrysanthemum mine up to chrysanthemum. Five shot finale!

US ARMY: Brocade crown, red falling leaves with blue, gold willow, green falling leaves with blue, crackle, silver fish with blue.

US NAVY: Gold chry.mine up to gold chry. with red, green, blue, purple, lemon, and cyan.

Display Angle: Straight up

Packing: 4/1